KETO Journey - My Conclusion
I made it:)
I was actually able to make it thru almost the entire month. I cut my adventure short by 4 days. Reason being: I was out of energy, the exact reason why I gave this much-loved diet a try.
My cut and dry opinion of Keto: I think like any other diet out there it is not the way to go if you want to lose weight. Sure, you can drop 10 lbs. in no time. But most put it back on afterwards. In addition, I really think that Keto is hazardous to one's health. All the things we really need to eat to function properly are so limited they might as well not exist. I am sure that long term Keto can cause malnutrition, stomach problems and serious digestive issues.
My advice if you are looking to drop some pounds: don’t go on ANY diet. Change your eating habits slowly over time, adjust your lifestyle where possible and mostly: love your body as it is. Be good to it and accept yourself as you are.
I’m glad I tried Keto. Now I know that it does not bring more energy to an already active and energized person. I do see very clearly why body builders use it in the weeks before competition as the rapid water loss is clearly visible within days. And I do see why people are drawn to it. It’s a quick fix. I strongly advice against it. Please remember that I’m not a doctor nor a nutritionist. I am not a health guru or teacher. What I am is a person with over 5 decades of hands on eating experience 😜😜. I like to think that makes me an expert:) happy Friday to all of you!